Born in 1974 in Kiev.

1993 - Graduated from Odessa theater and art school for specialties, make-up artist and artist-puppeteer.

1994 - First fashion collection "Bottle Passions".

1995 - First prize at the festival "Admiralteyska Golka" (St. Petersburg).

1997 - First fashion show in Ukrainain Fashion Week (UFW). Creation of regular seasonal collections under brand ZALEVSKIY.

Since 1999 - Member of the UFW jury at the “Look into the future” competition for young designers.

1999 - National Prize "Kiev Pectoral" (nominee production designer and costume designer for the play "Misto Maystrov", Theater of dramas and comedy. Kiev).

Since 2000 - Creation of the studio "Z-event". Collaboration as a stage director and co-organizer of actions with national fashion projects (Black Pearl, Perlini Seasons, Kiev Podium and others).

2002-2007 - Co-host of the popular TV show "Chance".

Since 2004 - Member of the Ukrainian Fashion Council - National Association of Ukrainian Designers.

Since 2006-2008 - Co-author and curator of the Fashion Aid charity project aimed at helping HIV-infected people.

Since 2007 - Director of the Holiday Fashion Week (Odessa).

2008 - Release of the photo album “ZALEVSKIY”.

2009 - Creation of costumes for the play "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov at the Rivne Regional Music and Drama Theater.

Director of fashion shows and style, author of costumes for the TV show "50 Blondes" (3 seasons. TV New Channel, Ukraine).

2010 - Director of the TV show "Zirka plus Zirka 2" (TV 1 + 1, Ukraine)

2012 - Started filming the feature film "Z Joke" as a screenwriter and director.

Stylist of the TV show "Battle Choirs" (TV 1 + 1, Ukraine).

2013 - "Z Joke" was nominated for five awards at the London International Filmmakers' Festival of World Cinema.

The film received two awards - Best Director and Best Music for a Film.

2014 - "Z Joke" world premiere took place at the 17th Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF), Class A.

2019 - The second full-length film "A GOOD ARTIST IS DEAD ARTIST" was shot.

2021 - Work continues on the creation of the third feature film "WEREMINS"